Allergy Testing
Testing for 200 dog food and non-food intolerances
If your pet is showing signs of discomfort, allergies, or severe reactions and you want to understand the cause or causes, we offer a specialist test using world-renowned bio-resonance technology to check for 200 food and non-food sensitivities.
What you receive:
Your Pet’s Personalised Intolerance Test Report Emailed within 3-5 days from samples received
Elimination Diet Recommendations
How it works:
The process uses fur samples to test against 200 food and non-food items.
Fur is used for several reasons:
Less invasive
No needles are necessary and we only require a small fur sample.
Test more items
Bioresonance testing allows us to test against a larger number of items than a conventional blood test.
Fast results
Testing is completed quickly and efficiently with results conveniently emailed.
Hair testing is actioned much faster in the testing laboratory than blood testing and contains fewer processes, this means it is very cost effective.
All identified sensitivities are scored 85% and higher – the critical point at which most intolerance-related symptoms become apparent.
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