Alba Dogs:
Complementary Therapy
Wellness for your dog
Alba Dogs x Grampian Pet Services
Alba Dogs is located in the same unit as Grampian Pet Services offering complementary therapy for your dog. Grampian Pet Services specialise in holistic and herbal treatments for your pet and Pauline's approach sits well with our ethos and we are proud to recommend her.
Alba's Approach
Pauline uses her knowledge of all her training to help the dog physically, mentally, and emotionally as all three are intrinsically linked to behaviour. She is passionate about wellness for the dog and supporting their guardians/pet parents to enjoy each other’s companionship to live in a more harmonious way, having a deeper understanding of what the dog is trying to communicate.
About Alba Dogs
Alba Dogs is owned by Pauline Mitchell a Tellington TTouch® Practitioner, Emmett Therapist for dogs, a licensed Canine Body Language Instructor with the Dog Training College® and an ACE Student of Animal Centred Education.
Issues Addressed
Pauline works with a wide range of physical and behavioural issues with dogs. Often once we understand our dog in more detail through using observations, we can begin to understand things from our dog’s perspective and work with them accordingly.
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